What is EFT?

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), often referred to as “Tapping” is a somatic (body) self-regulation tool that is simple to learn, and calming sensations can often be felt within a short time. Research increasingly points to EFT’s extraordinary effectiveness even when used for a few minutes. It brings mindful attention to the stresses that take part in our everyday decision making and helps build resiliency to adversity by focusing on the important role of the nervous system which is to keep us away from danger. By keeping the nervous system in a calmer, more regulated state, people often see their challenges from a less intense perspective, and in a fairly short time. We call this ‘shifting aspects’, which means the situation is no longer viewed the same way because the perception of the event has changed. The long-term effects of EFT are astounding as well; just ask anyone who uses it.   

With EFT, we use fingertips to ‘tap’ on acupressure points referred to as meridians found on the hands, face, and upper torso while simultaneously focusing on a specific issue or event in time. Tapping relaxes the body and removes the emotional ‘charge’ that naturally arises during adverse experiences and often stay stuck in our working memory. Most experience a calming sensation after the first round of tapping which typically lasts a few minutes. EFT can help with everything from anxiety, pain relief, financial/job issues, chronic stress, weight loss, limiting beliefs about you, your life, future, and your relationships. By far, one of the best aspects of EFT is that it can be used anytime, anywhere for immediate relief.  

Using EFT as a regular practice alters how the entire body and mind react to stressful and anxious-filled challenges by helping to grow new neural pathways responsible for decision making and patterns. A valuable reminder is ‘whatever happens to the body is stored in the mind, and what the mind knows, the body keeps score (Bessel Van der Kolk, 2014)’. For this reason, when stressful and traumatic events occur, it’s not just the mind but the entire body that is affected. By working on both using advanced EFT techniques, practitioners can reach the lingering traumas stuck on replay and we do so in a safe, calm environment so re-traumatization does not occur. It is extremely effective with anxiety, chronic pain and stress and even PTSD. 

Thousands around the world use EFT as a way to cope with daily stress and to help release emotions running too high, too low, or that keep recurring easily bringing back emotional reactions. 

For example, you were terminated. Even though you will find new work, the emotions and patterns developed through the actual firing could cause procrastination and job interest/promotion setbacks. Feelings of insecurity, detachment, trying again, inadequacy, and all kinds of other issues may continue on for years. 

Burnout is another example of the effectiveness of EFT. It’s calming effect helps us to get behind the ‘walls’ to see where, how and why burnout occurred and what could change to minimize distress. We can get to the root of the issues fairly quickly by using these techniques, and we teach clients how to use EFT too. 

EFT can also be used to help transform past thoughts, traumas and limiting beliefs. For many, the developmental years were filled with difficult experiences and lessons learned may have been formed in harsh ways. It is those moments that help form decisions and stay with us even though we think they’re ‘over’. In actuality, patterns of safety form during very intense moments and we are usually unaware of the body’s insistence that these terrors never occur again. EFT helps us see these patterns for what they are (protective) and rebuild them so we don’t keep carrying heavy burdens from the past into our present. Many say after EFT work it feels like a burden has been lifted and new perspectives were formed. With EFT and a little courage, we can uncover those events and reprocess them which causes the pattern to be disrupted, and thus, true change begins.

EFT is not ‘talk therapy’ and it often steps right into how something is affecting you today. Many find that working with a clinical practitioner helps the nervous system learn patterns to stay calm, often in quick and very effective ways. EFT helps create an increased tolerance so we can view the past and react to the present and even the future with a stronger, more calm, focused balance. Although we do talk in our sessions and sometimes do a little exposure therapy, with EFT we are working with the mind and the body while recalling specific events. By using actual events we eliminate the ‘noise’, allowing us to uncover patterns or limited beliefs quickly. What this means for a client is we get to the root of the issue without delay so you can get back to your life the way you intended as quickly as possible. And current data indicates new neural pathways are formed using EFT, which means you will likely think differently when a similar event tries to trigger you again. 

It is helpful to know that trauma is not what happened to you, it is the wound created inside of you that needs to heal. With EFT, we can address these without unnecessary turmoil.  

So, if you’re ready to address what is no longer suiting you, or maybe you know something from the past is holding you back, I offer free 30-minute online consultations with no obligation. I answer any questions you have about EFT and the nervous system, and we will determine a path forward from there. 

If you’re looking for a holistic way to improve your life quickly and efficiently, do yourself an honor and use EFT.