Corey spent years working in the field alongside thousands of legal and business professionals, and it was not uncommon to see her brainstorming with her peers on a personal level after hours as well. As a successful businesswoman and mother of two, Corey’s passion of helping people overcome obstacles and gaining self-confidence was a favorite pastime but the forever career change that ignited the passion into Energy Medicine happened during a recovery from her own health challenges. That roller coaster experience opened her eyes to the remarkable effectiveness of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), commonly known as Tapping. The discovery of EFT mixed with natural healing led to an almost complete recovery after a dim prognosis. She commonly claims that life changing experience turned her towards a totally new way of living, now inclusive of happiness, profound meaning, and self-assurance.

Corey’s recovery spanned over 1.5 years of intensive therapy including months of 22+ hours daily of lying still. Thankfully, a naturopath recognized she would need help managing her career (aka “busy, overachieving”) mind throughout the lengthy recovery and he taught her how to use EFT to manage the anxiety, pain, frustration, anger, and fear of watching life take a sudden detour. It would be during this rebuilding of her body that she began to understand the impact of stress and unaddressed past issues, and that the nervous system plays a massive role in health, and everything else.
Without a doubt, doing work to support the nervous system played a key role in Corey’s recovery. These results were so impressive that it caused a significant interest in researching this calming technique. Months of pouring over hundreds of peer reviewed studies about EFT’s effectiveness with no negative outcomes proved what she had also experienced. EFT IS that good. It is simple to learn, and can be used at any time, even without a professional.
Soon after, Corey enrolled at the EFT Tapping Training Institute and currently holds a Level 2 EFT Practitioner Certification. Corey also completed basic and advanced EFT trauma courses, Meta-Health Level 1, and is currently working on her Matrix Reimprinting Certification. She also has an undergrad in Applied Management, Paralegal Studies and attended conferences in Conflict Management, Mindfulness, IMAGO, and Empowering Women in the Workforce.
Her favorite things to do is all things outdoors. You will find Corey hiking near her house in Phoenix, swimming, kayaking, going on picnics, farmer’s markets, star gazing, disc golf, camping, watching wildlife, and hanging out with friends and family. Going on her 12th year of marriage with a blended family, Corey’s experiences helped craft large amounts of empathy and compassion for what we all endure in this wonderful thing called life.